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There Came an Echo – Roadmap and Trophy Guide



Here we go again with another trophy guide. This time it’s NelMaNo, with his first ever trophy guide. He is going to show you how to get a shiny new platinum in Iridium Studios awesome voice-controlled real-time strategy game There Came an Echo. If you haven’t heard of it then you can take a look at our review.


  •      Estimated trophy difficulty: 4/10
  •      Offline trophies: 16 (1 bronze, 5 silver, 9 gold, 1 platinum)
  •      Online trophies:
  •      Approximate amount of time to platinum: 8 –12 hours
  •      Minimum number of playthroughs: 1 + Mission replays
  •      Number of missable trophies: None
  •      Glitched trophies: Story related trophies might not unlock if you skip the cutscenes
  •      Does difficulty affect trophies?: No
  •      Do trophies stack?: No
  •      Do cheat codes disable trophies?: No cheat codes available

Special note: The game can be played using a controller but you will need to use a headset to pop the Fire at Wil trophy.

There Came an Echo is an unique voice-controlled real-time strategy game where you can put down your DS4 and play the game in its entirety solely using the PS4 microphone. Using voice commands you direct the movements, strategy and attacks of a squad of four characters through ten missions. The game follows the story of Corrin, a software programmer, who has created an unbreakable encryption code and is influenced by films like The Matrix. Oh yeah one more thing, it stars everyone’s feature Star Trek ensign – Wil Wheaton.

Step One (Play the game)
Completing the game on whatever difficulty you prefer will unlock the following trophies:
The Secret Unveiled
Training Fray
The Fire Rekindled
Sequence Break
The End of All Things
Took the Red Pill
*There is a small chance that the story related trophies might not unlock, to prevent this don’t skip the cutscenes.*

Step Two (War Room)
Next head to the War Room and complete twelve Waves to unlock the following trophy:
War Broom
Also in the War Room you can unlock the following trophies:
Fire at Wil

Step Three (Clean-up)
Here you will be replaying specific missions to unlock the following trophies:
Perfect Override
The Invincible Turret
Sniper Stun
Pistols In

Trophy Guide:

There Went an Echo platinum
Mastery of command.
This trophy will unlock when you have collected the other 15 trophies.

War Broom gold
Sweep all twelve waves of the War Room.
For this trophy you have to complete the War Room. The easiest way to get this trophy is to position your squad so they are on Echo One, Echo Three, Delta One and Bravo One.

The Secret Unveiled gold
You didn’t see that coming.
Story related cannot be missed. This trophy will unlock once you complete Mission 6.

Re:LAX silver
Always fly Burbank.
Story related cannot be missed. This trophy will unlock once you complete Mission 2.

Training Fray silver
The kid gloves are off.
Story related cannot be missed. This trophy will unlock once you complete Mission 3.

The Fire Rekindled gold
She’s back.
Story related cannot be missed. This trophy will unlock once you complete Mission 8.

Sequence Break gold
Removed from the course of things.
Story related cannot be missed. This trophy will unlock once you complete Mission 9.

The End of All Things gold
Save one.
Story related cannot be missed. This trophy will unlock once you complete Mission 10.

Supercharged silver
Damage four enemies at once with the Charge Gun.
For this trophy you need to simultaneously damage four enemies with a shot from the Charge Gun. There are a few times in the game where you can obtain this. The easiest place is in Mission 9 during the third encounter there are two groups of four enemies, simply target one of targets on the middle of the group.

Sniper Stun silver
Never let a sniper in cover get a shot off.
During the game you will encounter snipers and to get this trophy you need to use the “Focus fire…” command to take one out before he shoots at you. If you haven’t unlocked it through natural play you can get it during Mission 6.

Perfect Override gold
Never allow the countdown to reach zero in Farrick’s base.
In Mission 8 there are three terminals that you have to activate. Doing so starts a countdown and you mustn’t let the countdowns reach zero. To do this leave a soldier at each of the terminals and keep resetting the countdown with the command “Activate Override.” You will hear a message when the timers have 15 seconds left but it’s better to keep resetting them before this warning.

The Invincible Turret gold
Escape from the weapon cache with at least one turret at perfect health.
At the start of Mission 6 you have to survive enemies attacks for six minute while making sure one of the turrets still has 100% health. The easiest way to do this is to move turret one to lane three and turret two to lane five, and have everyone for at will. Then starting at the bottom of the screen use the mines to take out multiple targets. Use the “Focus fire” command on any targets that are close to the turrets.

Pistols In gold
Complete a mission without switching weapons with any soldier.
As the description suggests for this trophy you have to complete any mission without switching from the pistol. This trophy can be unlocked on any mission where you have two weapons equipped just remember not to switch weapon.

Markiplier silver
Queue up and execute five simultaneous commands.
For this trophy you need to line up and execute any five commands using “On My Mark” so head to the War Room and say the following:
1) “Echo 1 On My Mark”
2) “Echo 2 On My Mark”
3) “Echo 3 On My Mark”
4) “Delta 1 On My Mark”
5) “Delta 2 On My Mark”
Then once five orders are stacked up say “Mark” and the trophy will unlock.

Took the Red Pill bronze
Guide Corrin out of Ignite Defense.
Story related cannot be missed. This trophy will unlock once you complete Mission 1.

Fire at Wil gold
Don’t be a…jerk.
For this trophy you must try to shoot Wil Wheaton and it can only be unlocked with a voice command. You can unlock it at any point during the game but if you want to get it out of the way early then head to the War Room and say “Fire at Corrin”.

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